WATSU is a new aquatic bodywork that was created in 1980 by Harold Dull who was teaching Japanese Shiatsu in USA,
he creatively brought the theory into the water. The name WATSU came from the abbreviation of "Water-Shiatsu".
Watsu is praised "the most advanced aquatic bodywork in our time",
it was spread to the world in medical and spa industries, now it is practiced in over 40 countries.
It makes not only relaxation, but also the analgesic effect to rheumatism and the improvement of trauma etc. which have been proven in Europe.
This is a flexible relaxation regardless of age or gender, and also suitable for pregnant women and people with disabilities.

WATSU is a new aquatic bodywork that was created in 1980 by Harold Dull who was teaching Japanese Shiatsu in USA, he creatively brought the theory into the water. The name WATSU came from the abbreviation of "Water-Shiatsu".
Watsu is praised "the most advanced aquatic bodywork in our time", it was spread to the world in medical and spa industries, now it is practiced in over 40 countries.
It makes not only relaxation, but also the analgesic effect to rheumatism and the improvement of trauma etc. which have been proven in Europe.
This is a flexible relaxation regardless of age or gender, and also suitable for pregnant women and people with disabilities.


Effective and Creative

The Attraction of WATSU

It is high effectivity for mind and body, and also creativity.
When floating on water[float], drifting on the surface with the soft lead of the provider drift
Your body is guided to neutral condition, eventually deep breathing and gentle meditation comes naturally.
"I don't understand the boundary between myself and water."
As many experienced people express like this, once feeling the sensation of dissolving in water you can be released into the shapeless water with integration of body and mind.
Muscles and bones free from gravity, the joints loosen gently, then everything in the body begins to work together.linkage
You can spread widely and can become tiny point, the form and speed can be changed freely as you like.
Even infinite imagination grows like "I am nothing, and can be anything." [imagination
The sense of "Separate and connect" means another dimension experience created by WATSU. It can be said creativity itself, and vitality for tomorrow.

The Attraction of WATSU

It is high effectivity for mind and body, and also creativity.
When floating on water[float], drifting on the surface with the soft lead of the provider. drift Your body is guided to neutral condition, eventually deep breathing and gentle meditation comes naturally.
"I don't understand the boundary between myself and water." As many experienced people express like this, once feeling the sensation of dissolving in water you can be released into the shapeless water with integration of body and mind. free
Muscles and bones free from gravity, the joints loosen gently, then everything in the body begins to work together.linkage
You can spread widely and can become tiny point, the form and speed can be changed freely as you like.  Even infinite imagination grows like "I am nothing, and can be anything." [imagination
The sense of "Separate and connect" means another dimension experience created by WATSU. It can be said creativity itself, and vitality for tomorrow.
"Creativity is just connecting things." - Steve Jobbs

The Water is the 3rd Hand

Flow, Buoyancy, Resistance of Water

WATSU is a relaxation that makes full use of the power of water.
The water becomes the "3rd hand", supports and works gently from every angle due to the resonance with the recipient.
I also provide the treatment on the floor, but may feel "Two hands are not enough" in many situations.
Water, the source of life have the infinite power.
WATSU maximizes the water power and has many effects, what is the decisive difference from the other relaxations.

Flow, Buoyancy, Resistance of Water

WATSU is a relaxation that makes full use of the power of water.
The water becomes the "3rd hand", supports and works gently from every angle due to the resonance with the recipient.
I also provide the treatment on the floor, but may feel "Two hands are not enough" in many situations.
Water, the source of life have the infinite power. WATSU maximizes the water power and has many effects, what is the decisive difference from the other relaxations.  
" 洋々として大洋を充たし 発しては蒸気となり 雲となり 雨となり 雪と変じ 霰と化し 
凝しては玲瓏たる鏡となりたえるも 其の性を失はざるは水なり "  黒田勘兵衛 

On and Off Mechanism

ON and OFF

WATSU is variously effective with approach by ON and OFF.
Here is introducing excellent functions to reset the body and mind.


  Promote water circulation
Improve swelling / Eliminate wastes



Loosen muscles / Neutralize core muscles
Don't leave today's fatigue tomorrow


Balance the autonomic nerves
Regain vitality


Rest the activity of the brain
Reduce mental stress


  Adjust the skeleton / Correct posture
Widen the range of motion of joints


Encourage deep breath / Improve blood circulation
Eliminate insomnia with a good sleep